
Youth Ministry

Mount Calvary Youth Ministries exists to connect teenagers to Jesus, nurture them in their faith, and equip them with the tools to develop into well-rounded Christian adults. We encourage our teenagers to invest themselves through discipleship, worship, servant events and more. Mount Calvary Youth is open to all students in 6-12.

For more information on upcoming events click here

Serving Our Community

Don’t just go to church, BE the Church! We are called to reach people outside the four walls of our church to show them there is a God who loves them. From helping out at local food pantries, Prayer Walks, Adopt –the-blocks, Prison Angel Tree and more , here are just a few ways you can make an impact in your community and be part of the work God is doing, in through and around the people of our church.  For more information on upcoming ministry events click below to email outreach 

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